Gosh it has been ages since i blogged.Some personal experience always motivates me to write..and if my experience can inspire others-Well why not :)
have you ever sulk whenever things goes wrong and blame God for everything for whatever that happens in your life?
im not sure about others...but ive felt like that before...when i was much younger ..ahem..doesnt mean im old now hhehe...i would call it as WISER!When i definately start looking things out of the box!
Too often we dont realise how negative we have been until we talk to people..my suggestion...dont bug people with your problem..its the negative vibes that you are transmitting to others..of course talking does help..but dont push it too much..imagine you kept sharing your sorrows with people..the advice they give...not gonna match your desire or needs..end of the day..you might end up blaming the person for not understanding your problems or not to put themselves in your shoes...
List down your problems ...write out the pro and cons...compare...and blog if you have too..at least..its a form of you releasing your sorrows,happiness..excitement in the form of writing....Ive realised all this through my yes..writing does help a lot!
You've never know how lucky you have been until you compare lives with the less fortunate ones...everytime you feel life is hard,think about all the good things you have in life and how fortunate you are..compared to others...Not that hard right?
Ok,its always easier said than done..but if we are not going to start thinking positive about life..It will never happen..who is going to lift us up if its not us ourselves?We cant expect others to keep reminding how good life is isnt it?Honestly most of the people who listen to us will definately listen for once or twice..then they have their lives to work on..thats when our calls,emails are not replied..why...mainly because people get bored of same thing over and over again.I wont blame anyone for being that way..even ill feel bored listening to people's problem all the time...OPPS :D
So go ahead..start your day with a smile..give a DEADLINE TO YOUR PROBLEMS..SOLVE IT..or at least IGNORE IT...and SPREAD SOME GOOD POSITIVE VIBES :)
Ive used to feel down at times..and used to bug my friends with my problems...but i guess..its a strong knock on the head of realization on how we should GROW UP and solve our problems and start thinking positive and build our own life...besides NO ONE can give a better advice than our INSTINCTS :)
:D instincts... true story..