Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Words are definately the sharpest weapon in the world..

Too often we dont realise what we say until its uttered.

How many of us actually stayed out of other people 's way?

Everyone has slightest thing to stay about someone..

Ever wonder why is that?

You know a person taking exams - you go..oh what u got for your results ?My kids..blah-blah..

You see a person without boyfriend/girlfriend - you go -oh you -dont have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet?

You see a person whom you just resigned from a tough job - you go -OH U R JOBLESS NOW?and suggest a job that they hate..or below their qualification..

You see people who is not married -you go - Oh why you are not married?Dont you think your age is catching up?

You see a couple without child - you go -Oh any good news?

You see a couple with a child - you go -oh only one kid?

 You see a person who just started a business and you go -Hows business??
everytime you see them?

Why all this so many questions?

Why cant people give compliments instead of asking some question which is not relevant to their lives?

How about?Hey how you been?Wanna catch up for movie?

Life is good ,lets cherish it..

Some issues that looks like a concern  to you may seem like a idiotic questions to others...

So the next round you see people..remember what i wrote in my blog -err MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS?
 Its definitely a rat race world..everyone is busy handling their daily routine..so when you finally meet someone..say something nice instead of interviewing them :)

Justa lil piece of thought!


  1. Exactly, we often come across situations when nothing can be more piercing as the words we receive.
    People generally don't realize, and utter them in the awe of excitement or anger, but it only helps to prove as the sharpest weapon of the world. :)

  2. something i would have loved anytime to say.... *.*
    following you, cya around...

  3. akriti91 : exactly..by the time they realise..its a lil hard to mend the broken hearts that they create in their subconscious mind...

  4. Sangeetha Narender : im following you too!

  5. good post about Words are definately the sharpest weapon in the world..
