One may wonder..what im gonna say on this..sexual harrassment...if only i get elected for Woman Aid Organisation..i guess ill do really well...
Its an emotional phase for girls nowadays...let it be anywhere...!
worst if its at working environment...
there was once, a newly joined guy in our office came up and started talking about some erotic novel that he read ...
if i was younger..i would have been really scared..
but now...
my answer... "dude,how about reading it with ur family members,bet they'll enjoy ur conversation with ya?"
he just turned away..cuz he had been labelled as a pervert?
and there was another incident some high level partner tries to touch u and gives a stupid smile when u turned fast enough and give him a killer stare??
do u know sexual gestures,touches,write ups...anything can be categorised as sexual harassment?
i had a very interesting conversation with a person who deals with my never know even she was a victim!she looked so brave and strong?
her only reply was :
"girl sometimes its just soo unexpected that even the top level person who looks as a family figure or ...and respected man takes the opportunity to grab ur butt?"
what can u do about this??????
sometimes i just wish i know martial arts...
the problem is how many us is brave enough to tell or voice this out?it happens everywhere...buses...driving instructers..lecturers..officemate...what else and what not?
a lot of girls running out of fear or depression hiding what they have gone through fearing what people will think of them...
always seek professional help...tell them not to reveal..or if u r really a victim of sexual harrassment..quit your can always find a better brave....
never be scared to voice out or fight back..basically your fear kills you....!
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