Sunday, 25 September 2011


Too often most of us suffer from migraines..i have that problem too...why?i have my own reasons..lap in dark..lack of sleep...loud music..stress..and what not?anything can cause migraines...

ok lets check out what is migraine about ...

A migraine is a common type of headache that may occur with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light. In many people, a throbbing pain is felt only on one side of the head.
Some people who get migraines have warning symptoms, called an aura, before the actual headache begins. An aura is a group of symptoms, including vision disturbances, that are a warning sign that a bad headache is coming.
See also:
  • Cluster headache
  • Mixed tension migraine (features of both a migraine and tension headache)
  • Tension headache

    Causes, incidence, and risk factors

    Migraine headaches tend to first appear between the ages of 10 and 45. Sometimes they may begin later in life.
    • Migraines occur more often in women than men,
    • Migraines may run in families.
    • Some women, but not all, may have fewer migraines when they are pregnant.
    A migraine is caused by abnormal brain activity, which is triggered by stress, certain foods, environmental factors, or something else. However, the exact chain of events remains unclear. Today, most medical experts believe the attack begins in the brain, and involves various nerve pathways and chemicals. The changes affect blood flow in the brain and surrounding tissues.
    Migraine attacks may be triggered by:
    • Alcohol
    • Allergic reactions
    • Bright lights
    • Certain odors or perfumes
    • Changes in hormone levels (which can occur during a woman's menstrual cycle or with the use of birth control pills)
    • Changes in sleep patterns
    • Exercise
    • Loud noises
    • Missed meals
    • Physical or emotional stress
    • Smoking or exposure to smoke
    Certain foods and preservatives in foods may trigger migraines in some people. Food-related triggers may include:
    • Any processed, fermented, pickled, or marinated foods
    • Baked goods
    • Chocolate
    • Dairy products
    • Foods containing monosodium glutamate (MSG)
    • Foods containing tyramine, which includes red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs, and certain beans
    • Fruits (avocado, banana, citrus fruit)
    • Meats containing nitrates (bacon, hot dogs, salami, cured meats)
    • Nuts
    • Onions
    • Peanut butter
    This list may not include all triggers.
    True migraine headaches are not a result of a brain tumor or other serious medical problem. However, only an experienced health care provider can determine whether your symptoms are due to a migraine or another condition.

    YIKES!So what..i got to say  no to chocolates and cheese????thats what runs in your mind right now right...
     err..i dont avoid totally..just that i reduce intake when im in pain...

    to some it doesnt occur only to all these symptoms..there are other causes as well -PREMENSTRUATION...

    Women suffer migraines three times more frequently than men do; and, menstrual migraines affect 60 percent of these women. They occur before, during or immediately after the period, or during ovulation. While it is not the only hormonal culprit, serotonin is the primary hormonal trigger in everyone's headache. Some researchers believe that migraine is an inherited disorder that somehow affects the way serotonin is metabolized in the body. But, for women, it is also the way the serotonin interacts with uniquely female hormones.
    Menstrual migraines are primarily caused by estrogen, the female sex hormone that specifically regulates the menstrual cycle fluctuations throughout the cycle. When the levels of estrogen and progesterone change, women will be more vulnerable to headaches. Because oral contraceptives influence estrogen levels, women on birth control pills may experience more menstrual migraines.

    Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) Headaches

    The PMS headache occurs before your period and is associated with a variety of symptoms that distinguish it from the typical menstrual 

    headache. The symptoms include headache pain accompanied by fatigue, acne, joint pain, decreased urination, constipation and lack of coordination. You may also experience an increase in appetite and a craving for chocolate, salt, or alcohol. 

    WORRY NOT DARLINGS..ITS NORMAL ...lets look up for some home remedies..

    Head Massages does wonders...

    and this is what i found on net..some home remedies

    Ice Towel
    One of the easier home remedies for migraine headaches is the use of the frozen towel method. Basically, you would need to wet the towel and wring it out as the first step. Once that's done, you would place it in the freezer for around five minutes, take it out & re-fold it, then put it back in the freezer to ensure that all sections of the towel become SUPER cold. Once it has reached PEAK coldness, it'll be time to wrap the towel around the head or neck for as long as it takes for the pain to subside.

    Deep Massages
    When many people think about home remedies for migraine headaches, they initially think of deep, relaxing head massages. The kind that have been proven to give some measure of migraine headache relief. Such quick & easy to do treatments work best when done in a dark room where someone other than yourself is massaging the head and neck.

    Food & Drink
    Some people have attested to the positive effects of eating salty food as one of the fastest & best home remedies for migraine headaches. You could perhaps give it a try with things like chips or snacks which are particularly salty. Aside from that, people have have also experienced relief just by drinking large quantities of water, juices packed with vitamin C, and even by having a SMALL amount of caffeine. IMPORTANT NOTE: It should be remembered that caffeine will work AGAINST a person who experiences caffeine induced migraines/headaches, thereby making matters worse. In such cases, caffeine should probably be avoided.

    Healthier Habits & Lifestyle
    Of course, some of the best home remedies for migraine headaches include the obvious things like exercise, getting adequate sleep every night, and eating healthier. Some people have reported getting good headache relief once they start a regular exercise program as well as ensure their bodies get enough rest. Tied in with that, it's also a idea to switch out your regular diet -- which is likely made up of fast food, junk food, and sugary and/or processed foods -- with a more natural diet made up of fish, lean meats, nuts, fruits & vegetables, and anything else that is considered "good for you".

    I certainly hope i did a lil help to those who suffers from share with me if you have more remedies  :) cheers and have a healthy lifestyle ahead! 

Sunday, 18 September 2011

my sweet love!

love is not meant to be seen..its meant to be felt..
 to often we let ego to manipulate our vision on seeing things...we rather let go everything...when there is a slightest argument...

but when marriage takes place...i guess ego goes to stand still-perception of the word "ego" changes...even if there is lil fights-it spices things up...

you never know the real meaning of marriage until you are part of in the same roof...doing things together...the feeling is magical...having doubts?Just look at our parents...its amazing how they build a family with lots of love and raising us up..have you ever wonder how that was possible?

for those who have doubts about never know what you are into...until you are being part of it...

its way better than being single...!TRUST ME!...well that's my very own personal opinion..
 well,whats my point here????just a word of encouragement for those who is not married or even for those who is scared of commitments  :)

my personal perfect way of describing marriage = MAGIC!magical feeling..magical experience...and..everything about you (my dearest husband) is magical...

if only i knew that life will be soo much better and happier -i would have got married much earlier :) ..hehe..kidding...
so guys..start loving and step into your new life with open hands....
trust me..ITS WORTH IT :)

p.s.this blog is dedicated to my husband..who had been part of my life...u r God's blessing to me ! and i cant believe its gonna be our very own 1 year anniversary!

Monday, 12 September 2011

Money does matter!

Its funny when we look at people..when we watch movie..and go GOSH,THEY ACTUALLY DO THAT FOR MONEY?

But money does matter..nothing comes for free...but the thing order to get money...people are willing to do anything!
do you realise the rich gets richer..and the poor gets poorer?

what irritates me the most is,someone can do so well in life..when you take them to restaurant or to pay something..thats when they start yakking,trying to ignore the bills passed to them...later i discover..these people can be soo selfish and maybe thats how they get richer?unlike the moderate ones..they can earn so low..but they can go.."hey,its my treat today?"

i used to work in an enviroment,it was commission based the high level manager goes to the boss and says "every work that i check,i need a certain commission for it?"where else the staff who does the work actually doesnt earn anything?

2nd scenario,high level manager demands for more stationery not willing to spend a single cent but a lower level staff decorates the cubicle with sets of own colourful stationary..have you encountered that?

3rd scenario...a staff who always borrows money from others,we later to discover they have a high bank balance?


when it comes to this simple issue - i just dont have answers for it....

enlighten me guys...

Friday, 9 September 2011


I really got to share what i went through...when i was young,i was very very choosy on what i eat...and i tend to waste half of it..they say karma hits u really bad???? a lesson -Whenever i choose to eat in my fav restaurant...or food stall..ive never get my food on time..or ill find addition particles on my food...HAIR?DUST..?ewww...then i realised..maybe i shudnt waste food after all...there are many who dont even have anything to eat...

im a fully vegetarian now...WHY?cuz i just want to be reason for it...when it comes to food..there is always a blessing cuz ive neva failed to get whatever i crave for at any point of time...

i always believe that God is very near to you..whatever you do..u will realise that you are doing the right or wrong...

Let me share with you an incident that we have encountered..we had this family family with our vegetarian food..and another family with lots of variety of food...we managed to finish ours...but they couldnt with theirs..becuz there were just too many choices..
so we paid...giggled and walked out busy sharing our stories to catch up..and we were approached by a very old man - he looks like he havent eaten for days!

he stopped us and pointed at the fish that was left on the plate 
" can i take that?"
all of us felt so bad...when u have choices and you waste food...there are many out there who left without food!!what a slap on the face!

this is just an example on what i went through..i still see people order food and say "OH,ITS NOT NICE,TOO SPICY...TOO SWEET...TASTELESS...ERR..I WOULD LIKE TO EAT MORE..BUT IM ON DIET????? CRAP!

The real meaning of diet is to maintain a healthy diet...exercise...not waste food ...


Cheers :)


Why there is a term of PROUD AS A PEACOCK?
 basically peacock is the most beautiful bird in the universe and it deserves to be described with the phrase?Or someone just came up with the phrase merely because it rhymes?

  a simple WORD which made wonder ...PRIDE..PROUD...
So i did my homework..da exact meaning of pride is :
a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
the state or feeling of being proud.
a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.
pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself or believed to reflect credit upon oneself: civic pride.
something that causes a person or persons to be proud: His art collection was the pride of the family.

i used to wonder,why some people are plain proud of whatever they have...??????cant they be humble??most the 'proud' category people will be the rich ones,highly talented or just super good looking...that was my mere thought.......

as i grow up,my thought differs...

they are not proud..we are judging the book from the cover without getting to know them...

every individual have their own way of handling takes a few hurdles to reach what we are having they reach. each step the level of confidence increases

y take it as being proud?..well capturing  pride...take it that way...and try to analyze..what makes a person proud? it can be the position they posses..the family they have..their culture...or anything that actually makes a person happy ..

im not sure if what i scribble may differ from others...but never ever judge anyone without knowing them first..and from my eyes..its ok to be proud as long you dont luse ur values..

proud of what u are,proud of what u have..proud of being you!

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Jananam v Maranam ( Birth v Death)

Life is an unspoken mystery yet to be solved by anyone...

A long waited 9 months process - birth of a baby -brings joys to entire family or even whoever who hears the good news

...the process...of being together....the process of always a hurdle to pass on everyday...

THERE IS A LOSS...let it be family member or mere stranger...

The first question that struck your mind will be "after all the people in the world.. why me?why us?why we have to go through this pain??"


doesnt solve cant reverse the nature..

if there is have to face death...

when you start thinking about life...everything becomes a lil eerie...

to best way to start living a peaceful living it..without worrying about tomorrow...

only if it was that easy  :)

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Simple treasures of life...

a simple i was chilling around with a fren..sharing sweet nothings...we started talking about life in general...

too often we say ,thank you,im sorry....oh i didnt mean it..or run for an appointment for an outsider...but when it comes to our family...we always take it for granted..let it be our parents...our wife/husband or even  children...

 With time moving fast..everyone becomes selfish in their own values is no longer a must....time spent more with friends when it comes to guys ...mothers spends time mostly at work..and when they come home ...they are too frustrated or tired to get their children from baby what happens next?most of the kids are left with baby sitters mostly on weekends....

im not saying everyone does that...but as time moves fast in the rat race becomes empty...

that was part of the was...a husband who found out that his wife had a deadly disease..was depressed..most of his life was spent outside and when he was finally ready to spend time with his family...the wife was dying?


same goes to children who hardly visits their parents...what about karma?what happens if ur kids does that to you?

ok i may sound a lil classic or orthodox..but then when it comes to feelings...its the same for everybody rite?

treasure your loved ones while they are still alive...

u never want to miss the slightest move or appreciate the smallest thing in matter how busy your schedule is...becuz...TIME WAITS FOR NO MEN...

Sexual harrassment..whats the solution?

One may wonder..what im gonna say on this..sexual harrassment...if only i get elected for Woman Aid Organisation..i guess ill do really well...

Its an emotional phase for girls nowadays...let it be anywhere...!

worst if its at working environment...
there was once, a newly joined guy in our office came up and started talking about some erotic novel that he read ...

if i was younger..i would have been really scared..
but now...
my answer... "dude,how about reading it with ur family members,bet they'll enjoy ur conversation with ya?"
he just turned away..cuz he had been labelled as a pervert?
and there was another incident some high level partner tries to touch u and gives a stupid smile when u turned fast enough and give him a killer stare??

do u know sexual gestures,touches,write ups...anything can be categorised as sexual harassment?
 i had a very interesting conversation with a person who deals with my never know even she was a victim!she looked so brave and strong?
her only reply was  :

"girl sometimes its just soo unexpected that even the top level person who looks as a family figure or ...and respected man takes the opportunity to grab ur butt?"

what can u do about this??????

sometimes i just wish i know martial arts...

the problem is how many us is brave enough to tell or voice this out?it happens everywhere...buses...driving instructers..lecturers..officemate...what else and what not?

a lot of girls running out of fear or depression hiding what they have gone through fearing what people will think of them...

always seek professional help...tell them not to reveal..or if u r really a victim of sexual harrassment..quit your can always find a better brave....

never be scared to voice out or fight back..basically your fear kills you....!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Sharing views?

Whenever we are down with problems,there's always a lending shoulder to ease us up...too often we fail to think when we are in our emotional rollercoaster....

so what happen next?we look for our most trusthworthy soul to share our burden...

Do u actually know half of the people that we trust with our secret is the ones who is actually happy for our sorrows?

do you know you are you own best advisor ?

trust yourself and God when it comes in taking big decision in life...


Depression hits when you always compare yourself with those around you...some may have a better family,some may have a better boyfriend or girlfriend..some maybe richer...some may dress up better...some look fairer...some smarter..

some may have a terrible past which keeps haunting them...a sorrowful incident which breaks em' into pieces...which kept pulling them to start a new leaf or even to think of happy future...

but do u know...that you might be the somebody to others?maybe you just dont realise how much others envy over you for having something that they dont have? 

there always hope in everything ...the key to the answer is for you to find it and overcome every milestones to a big success...and make it possible..not for u..but those around u!


ALWAYS LOOK AT THE GLASS HALF FULL INSTEAD OF HALF EMPTY...dat will be a real success for a wonderful future!