Geez it has been 1 year since i!
something that i really miss doing! writing!!!
Now I have something really interesting to share...Post Natal depression...i guess every woman who experienced motherhood..will definately face it...well it depends..the level of depression or anxiety that you are on....
its always a huge hurdle for the first timers...especially if are from a C Section..there is always a self conscious..whether you'll be a good mom...who to cherish more?your child or your better half...?your me time?the two hour alarms for milk...the bathing time...getting back to old figure...big clothes...yikes!!!
but then again not for all...some handles motherhood just a super star...
for me it lasted 8 months...depressed..for anything and everything..just too many issues to handle......i guess..thats when the better half face most of the issues...when the wife looks unhappy all the time....dear first time google about post natal depression before jumping into parenthood :) talk to your there for her..change dipers ...keep smiling..or yea even it really gets into your nerves at times :)
pregnancy is definately the biggest moment for a woman...but the after delivery process is the toughest...smallest issues may trigger them...
as days turns months,months turns years...there's always a moment to cherish with the smiles and laugher...those delivery natal depression or the criticisim you face doesnt seem to matter anymore...all matters is you'll do anything for your little one to smile...
thats when a woman develops from a first time mom...from a depressed a very confident strong happens naturally....some stay still with what they half...some transforms....blooms and cherish every moment....gym,pedicure,menicure...playschool...playground....
my life turned just the way i wanted to be..having a child at home its like having sugar treat everyday
.....thanks to my family and natal depression was huge to me..but i am now a strong woman definately because of all of you :)
this post was written in a rush...but then there is a lot of happiness doing it..and to a friend who encourage me to blog again ..Ffn fuad..this is for you!