Tuesday, 11 September 2012

My lil treasure in me :)

It was the happiest moment of life..when i knew i was pregnant...my test showed positive!
ok..the first thing to do is to call my husband...he was away at Vietnam..and it was 6am -I woke him up!its still hard to believe....and he was like excited and anxious at the same time...its gonna be JUNIOR US!!

Sometimes no matter how excited you are..all you want to be is ..to be sure...the next place i headed to..:) clinic to do my test...

the Dr asked me..you did a test..and its positive..why u wanna check again?
Me..being adament...no Dr i want to be sure...:) so there was a test...
Ultrasound confirmed i was 5 weeks!Yeay!!! :).....my family was exited too!

Time moves really fast and i had my morning sickness striking me.There comes the throwing up seasons starting at 6 weeks whereby i threw up whatever i ate.At least 3 times a day.But yet no complains...i was excited :)

at 8 weeks,i broke the news to my in laws ..and they were shocked and happy to hear the news.

At 3 months,my baby bump start to show..i can stil fit into my old clothes and looking stylish..and yes...still down with my morning sickness...
The ultrasound we had in 3 months was absolutely amazing..the baby was jumping in amniotic fluid..which was very cute..baby looked chubby in 3 months :)...

16 weeks pregnancy was a lil traumatizing for both hubby and me.I was diagnosed with low hemoglobin and was asked to check on Thalasemmia test.I cried.And we prayed for our  baby to be healthy.Test came out as i was only having iron deficiency...Phew!i was glad!But ive got to mark up on iron pills,liver,cockles to increase my blood levels.I end up liking beetroot more that liver.Everything went on fine.

20 weeks of pregnancy..we went for our ultrasound...and dr said "did i tell you that you are having a baby boy?"

Hubby peeped from back!Ive been having dreams on having a boy..didnt know that dreams can be so accurate.Even hubby dreamt about having a baby too :)

We were so happy..the first thing to do...is to call our family members to let them know that its baby boy :)...and yeah!ITS a dragon boy!!yeeha!

I was lying down reading book...going thru the midnite as always -and yes i sleep late...excessive sweating is what i face now...then suddenly i had a small bulge sensation in my tummy...and it was a hard one!Did i just have my first kick???????/and yes its definately the best feeling ever!!

Going through the stages of 5 months -one thing that i realised the most is..i get hungry in every 2 hour!Gosh..,my room is filled with bread,biscuits ,milk and whatever that can satisfy my hunger!and for the first time in my life ive never felt guilty for eating so much :)
 ok..not only eating habits changes-your sleeping pattern changes due to bump as well.always get out of bed slowly and try to sleep sideways for blood circulation..preferably on your left hand side.
Hot flushes  is a common symptoms of pregnancy..for me..its at its peak...i often get up with my clothes soaked with sweat and i always change my clothes in order to keep myself fresh...air cond definately doesnt help as excessive cold situation makes ur leg cramp..ouch!

When the bump is starting to get bigger..your t-shirt sizes increases too..say bye to S size and Hi to M , L AND XL...ouch!but wear something comfortable to give some room for the baby of course.

We were scheduled to do a 2d scan...apparently the person in charge of 4d scans is out for labour holidyas herself..but its ok..2d scan is always good enough..i went for check up with my entire family :) dont blame me..it was a nice feeling having ur loved one around u..during the scan...when the doctor checked..everything was fine...and Praise the Lord for the blessings..and it was confirmed i was having a boy!but it was a shy baby..he closed  his face with his limbs..i couldnt see him :(...but i smiled thinking..naughty boy :)...

6 months went on truly fine...more kicking and moving session of baby..and im putting on more weight...mom had been giving me lots of food..plus orange juice!yummy!and ive got this special for DRAGONFRUIT...yumminess!the fruit is sweet and a treat for me ...

7 month is the most waited month -MY VALAKAPPU!its the bangle wearing ceremony celebrated by indians...it was organised mainly by my sis in her house...with special prayers and lots of bangles...to make things sweeter...i got a surprise..from my pen pal from Sri lanka..she sent bunch of bangles from SRI LANKA as a special treat for me..i was so overwhelmed and started trying on the bangles immediately...:) it was truly beautiful!

the time for the valakappu arrived..sis's neighbour volunteered to cook for me the three types of rice it was the sweet,tamarind and lemon rice..and when they asked me to choose..ive got the tamarind rice -it symbolizes that the baby boy that im carrying -pretty accurate eh!my family was truly happy for me..and it was a nice feeling to wear so many bangles for the day.
the bangles to have known to bring a good vibe to the baby in womb and we are required only to wear glass bangles...

then i was back for another monthly check  up..blood samples hadbeen taken to see if everything was ok..and after 2 weeks...i received a call saying my hemoglobin had gone up...yahooo!! :)

at 8 month -time moves pretty fast..and driving is a big task for now..and body gets very very tired...ive done some of the shopping for my lil one..napkins,pampers,mitten and booties just for u baby!mummy definately cant wait to see u sayang!

and suddenly one of the nights..i had this terrible toothache...i tried to control for two days..then i thought..thats it!i cant go thru the pain anymore..enough is enough...i called few of my friends to ask for advice...some gave positive remarks..some gave negative remarks...and one of my friend told me that she had gone through the same situation whereby she took pain killers and she said doctors knows the best...

and the home remedy of biting clove-doesnt work when the pain is too much to bear!!  :(

so i took my chances.the doctor was a old timer..he was very gentle.he suggested for scaling to take care of the tooth..and he suggested to extract the painful tooth -WHAT?EXTRACTION??????/////no no..no extraction...so he went like ok..we will do a temporary filling for u...and you have to come back to do your permanent filling...i was like Oh God..not again...baby has his own excessive movements when he did the scaling...but nothing to worry.

Time to pay the bills..Gosh its RM480!so expensive..they gave me antibiotics...i was thinking  ..should i take?will it harm the baby?

i called up my friend's daughter..who is a gynae herself ..she was giving me all her positive vibes-she told me its always not good to go through any procedures but then it will get worst during the labour pain..so its always best to treat it now then later...okie...doctors should know their best!I gulped down the antibiotics...and u have to take every 8 hour to get ur pills...oh no....but i did..and proudly finished it...

at 34 weeks..had my weekly check ups with gynae..the baby is doing fine but not engaged...normally it will be 36 to 37 weeks for the baby to be engaged...counting my days :)

and today my dentist appointment again..gosh why do i hate seeing Dentist!God!!wish me luck!!
My appointment with dentist went on just fine...For some reason i didnt even feel there was a filling.Before the procedure starts..i told the doctor "Make sure no pain"..he replied..."I'll make sure its painful..." and laughed...in the end...i hardly felt it...

Phew what a relieve!they increased my antibiotics dose...for the gums to heal...and i took according to the prescription.

Woke up next day...gosh i have to take my antibiotics every 8 hour..that means..ive got to set my alarm clock to get up..it was a tough task after trying really hard to sleep.and Ouch!my lower back was soo painful!is it part of pregnancy that i have to go through in 34 weeks???????
I dunno why but i felt like throwing up after taking my antibiotics...called up the dentist and he ask me to drop it..yeay!no more 8 hours alarm!

Ive reached my 35 weeks of my pregnancy...i dunno why im feeling like im 9 months already -36 weeks :)...my cousin  called up today to ask if i had any signs or pain...i said no...but i did..a slight twinge at private part...Decided to ignore it and i was ok..i guess its the heat that causes the pain..

When i googled..this is what ive found :

So i guess..i just have to sit back and relax and wait for the moment..

All About You

Your doctor or midwife will want to see you weekly from now on. It's exciting--your baby could be born any time now. But don't be too eager: if you expect her early chances are she'll come late. And if you want to stretch your pregnancy as long as possible in order to finish up things at work or home, Baby will surprise you by coming early. Still, every day you're feeling more ready: nesting, packing a hospital bag, talking daily to friends and family, deciding Baby's name. You may find you're having trouble getting comfortable, especially in bed, and your back may be bothering you this week, as the extra weight on your front makes you stand with a sway in your back.

my lil one definately made his presence felt..his kicks are harder..but definately made me happier :)

Ive reached my 35 weeks...and i felt like throwing up everytime i have my breakfast..

and today on 21.8.12..i threw up right after my lunch..i was scared if i might hurt my lil charm...

but this is what i found on net

I've read in other forums this is a sign your baby is "dropping". 35 wks, 2 days. nausea, pelvic pressure, and discharge is now slightly greenish 

  • Your may notice that your baby seems to have “dropped”. Some time during the last few weeks or days of your pregnancy the baby will begin moving into position for delivery. This is known as enlightening or “dropping”.
  • You may notice that your Braxton Hicks or false labor pains are becoming stronger. These are not actual labor pains but they do work to help begin thinning out the cervix in preparation for the real thing.
  • Many women experience an upset stomach, vomiting and diarrhea in the days leading up to labor. Your body is getting ready for the pushing that will take place by cleaning out your system.
  • You may experience bloody show (a blood streaked mucus). This typically happens as the cervix begins to dilate. The bloody show is also know as a mucus plug, which plugs the cervix during pregnancy to help prevent infections and bacteria from entering the uterus during pregnancy.
Its 35 weeks and 3 days and my indigestion is at its peak..the only thing that helps me at the moment is DRAGON FRUIT..a lil hard to move around..i definately start feeling the weight...heartburns...

26.08.12 - Ive reached 36 weeks today and i was complaining to my mom i was very hungry during breakfast...then i had lunch...i was feeling really full and i forced myself to eat to have my med and at 4 pm i was hungry again!had snacks and it didnt stop there..had my meehon at 5.30..and at 8.30pm im hungry again!so there comes bread and butter in hand :)

02.09.12 - Ive reached my 37 weeks...time runs fast or what?

03.09.12 - my baby is engaged!

Nurse : Baby still dont want to come out ah ? with a smile..

Me : Not yet i guess.

Dr asked me to be prepared as i might have my pain anytime soon from now...Hmm..nervous nervous..told dr that i had a sharp pain at my spine the other day when i wanted to pee..he said thats nothing to do with anything..probably just muscle pull.

Hmm...on 38 weeks..ive got to do a vaginal scan..hmm..nervous nervous..

04.09.12...i had my banana cake for breakfast..and yikes..had a sharp pain at lower abdomen...Thank God it vanished after a while..
Time to be prepared for my lil prince...

06.09.12 - Everyone gets panicked nowadays for my slightest pain...:) but i feel loved with the care and attention i get...a lil nervous tho...

was reading on net and this is what i found :

Location, location, location
Choose a place that supports normal birth, a place where you'll be comfortable. This may be at home, in a birth center or a hospital.
2. Choose a healthcare provider who supports the practices that promote normal birth. Many women have found that the care provided by midwives includes more labor support and less intervention.
3. Don't request or agree to induction of labor unless there's a medical indication for doing so. Allowing your body to go into labor on its own is usually the best sign that your baby is ready to be born. Allow your labor to find its own pace and rhythm. Don't focus on the clock, and don't use Pitocin to speed up your labor without first having a medical indication for doing so.
Make a move!
Plan to move around freely during labor. You'll be more comfortable, your labor will progress quickly and your baby will move through the birth canal easily if you stay upright and respond to the pain of your labor by changing positions. Try rocking, straddling a chair, lunging, walking and slow dancing.
5. Who will be providing support during labor and birth? Consider hiring a doula or other professional labor support person to give you, your partner and any other support person who's with you continuous emotional and physical support.
6. Ask that your baby's heartbeat be monitored intermittently instead of all the time so that belts, cords or wires do not tie you to a machine or specific place.
Follow your instincts
Eat and drink as your body tells you. Drinking plenty of fluids during labor will give you energy and keep you from getting dehydrated.

8. Use nonpharmacologic pain management strategies. For many women, warm baths and showers give powerful pain relief. Practice using birth balls, massage, hot and cold packs, aromatherapy, focused breathing and other comfort measures learned in Lamaze childbirth classes.

9. Don't give birth on your back! Upright positions (sitting, squatting or standing) and on all fours or your side are more comfortable, increase the effectiveness of your contractions and enable you to work with gravity. Push when your body tells you to, and ask that support persons give only quiet encouragement. "Cheerleading" or counting is not recommended. Simply work with your body's own cues and rhythm.
10. Keep your baby with you after birth. Skin-to-skin contact keeps your baby warm and helps to regulate your baby's heartbeat and breathing. Staying in the same room helps you to get to know each other, and it lets you respond to early feeding cues and get breastfeeding off to a good start. 

06.09.12  - Had a slight pain during lunch..guess body is taking its routine with contractions...

Im overwhelmed with the feeling and keep guessing when my junior gonna see the world :)

all is well!

09.09.12 - im exactly 38 weeks...time to be prepared... 

10.09.12 - Went for a vaginal check up,definately not an easy one.Dr confirmed that there is no dilation yet so we just have to go on with the waiting game..

was browsing through net and this is what ive found :
FYI, sometimes dilation can be misleading. You can be two or three centimeters dilated, but not have the baby for weeks. On the other hand, you can be ½ inch dilated and go into labor the next day. Lesson being, don’t put too much stock into the internal exams. Good luck mom! It should be any day.


11.09.12 - As we were anxious waiting for the arrival of baby..we heard a sad news..my bro in law met with accident...But thank God he was out of danger zone...still admitted..waiting to be recovered...

12.09.12 - paid a visit to Pantai Medical Centre to visit bro in law,a guard came running asking if i need a wheel chair ..that was funny cuz they thought i came in with labour pain..
Bro in law was definately better..and all of us was glad that he was safe..

 13.09.12 - Had a slight pain after breakfast..and my dizziness striked me again.Ignored and tried to be as normal as usual..Visited bro in law and there was a definite progress in him..hoping for a celebration after he is out of hospital..

sometimes i really pity my husband for handling my hormones during my pregnancy..its going haywire and i kept fighting with him for no reason..definately feel down at night...and the morning i feel better again!WHATS HAPPENING TO ME?

14.09.12 - I was ok the whole day and at night i kept fighting with everybody and i felt down again...i know im not being the usual me...but then..how can i solve this problem? i cant wait to carry my pumpkin...the waiting game definately making me nervous with lots of people telling me lots of things..which i definitely don't want to know at the moment...

16.09.12 -Feeling positive...whatever it is..i have to go through the labour pain,so definately dont want to worry too much and increase my stress level..prayers are definately intact..lets see when baby decides to pop out :)

More tips :

Location, location, location
Choose a place that supports normal birth, a place where you'll be comfortable. This may be at home, in a birth center or a hospital.

2. Choose a healthcare provider who supports the practices that promote normal birth. Many women have found that the care provided by midwives includes more labor support and less intervention.
3. Don't request or agree to induction of labor unless there's a medical indication for doing so. Allowing your body to go into labor on its own is usually the best sign that your baby is ready to be born. Allow your labor to find its own pace and rhythm. Don't focus on the clock, and don't use Pitocin to speed up your labor without first having a medical indication for doing so.
Make a move!
Plan to move around freely during labor. You'll be more comfortable, your labor will progress quickly and your baby will move through the birth canal easily if you stay upright and respond to the pain of your labor by changing positions. Try rocking, straddling a chair, lunging, walking and slow dancing.

5. Who will be providing support during labor and birth? Consider hiring a doula or other professional labor support person to give you, your partner and any other support person who's with you continuous emotional and physical support.
6. Ask that your baby's heartbeat be monitored intermittently instead of all the time so that belts, cords or wires do not tie you to a machine or specific place.
Follow your instincts
Eat and drink as your body tells you. Drinking plenty of fluids during labor will give you energy and keep you from getting dehydrated.

8. Use nonpharmacologic pain management strategies. For many women, warm baths and showers give powerful pain relief. Practice using birth balls, massage, hot and cold packs, aromatherapy, focused breathing and other comfort measures learned in Lamaze childbirth classes.

9. Don't give birth on your back! Upright positions (sitting, squatting or standing) and on all fours or your side are more comfortable, increase the effectiveness of your contractions and enable you to work with gravity. Push when your body tells you to, and ask that support persons give only quiet encouragement. "Cheerleading" or counting is not recommended. Simply work with your body's own cues and rhythm.
10. Keep your baby with you after birth. Skin-to-skin contact keeps your baby warm and helps to regulate your baby's heartbeat and breathing. Staying in the same room helps you to get to know each other, and it lets you respond to early feeding cues and get breastfeeding off to a good start.
If problems arise, ask questions about the risks and the benefits of any recommended intervention. Understand that sometimes labor and birth don't go as expected. If you're involved with decisions about your care and have good labor support, you're more likely to be satisfied with the birth, even if medical interventions are necessary

 I'm definitely not bothered about anything at the moment besides carrying my son!and i cant wait!!Lets wait and watch..till then Patience MUMMY!

18.09.12 -My bro in law is out of Hospital -Yeay!

  19.09.12 -Today is Vinayagar Chaturthi -Woke up in the morning feeling totally positive..prayed for the little one..

Another check up today..and yes vaginal exam..yikes..
 and it was confirmed that no dialation yet..haiz...yes it was painful!in case if you are wondering what is vaginal checks -well its where the dr will insert his fingers in your vagina...if he can reach the head of the baby -meaning labour is anytime soon..if not!tough luck...

so we were told to wait till 24th sept..:( next week monday...or else..i have to get myself admitted on 26th sept and induced at nite and on the next day.if there is no pain..then i might op for C-Section...but whats running in my mind is basically- as long as my baby is fine and healthy..i dont care anymore if its a C-Section or normal birth..lets wait and see...

i was asked to monitor on baby's heartbeat for 20 mins -Thank God baby was active and kicking..so we just have to wait for the clock to tick...
 At night i went to temple with husband,sister and bro in law...lets wait and watch whats gonna happen next..

24.09.12 - its 12.49am...i have check up in the afternoon!mummy!!!!!!!!!!this waiting game is making me nervous :(

its 1.13 pm,ive got to get ready to clinic and im definately feeling nervous..not knowing what to expect..hope all goes well..sri rama jeyam!

Hmm...i was dissapointed with my appointment today -still not dialated...and i will be admitted on 27th Night for induce process...:(
But hey,im gonna meet my baby soon!!! :)
Its 26.09.12 -final countdown..ill  be admitted tomorrow at 10pm..excited or nervous..im really not sure..both feelings mixed up!  

i was admitted on 27th at 10pm..i was nervous...but i didnt show...we packed our hospital bags...hubby was doing office work...so we were late to have dinner...haiz..

when we reached Tropicana Medical Centre, my entire family followed me...hehe...

admission took a while..

we went to the delivery room..my Dr was already there waiting for me...i asked if i could have my dinner first...they gave me a NO look cuz its already late..

the process was different and ive never imagined that in my life... 

they injected something at my anus..and within few seconds i felt like i need to clear my bowel..first time experience.the process is such..u got to clean ur stomach before inducing..

then the dr inserted a capsul right in my vagina..TRUST ME NO JOKE PROCESS..

my family was not allowed to be in..only husband..but mom accompaniedme instead..she was very motivating..

dad,bro in law and hubby went down to get dinner and pity my  sis had to wait alone outside.. 

my most delicious meal before delivery was nasi goreng ayam..and it was not enough for me..i stole moms half vegetarian nasi goreng as well...

then family members left home and told they will be back in the morning..

i had terrible contraction pain around 2am i started crying...hubby was asking "is this labour pain"
i shouted "i dont know!"i was too in pain..that i have no mood to answer..
pity him...he was resting on his chair and had to layan his cranky wife..

they had a device on my stomach and said there was contraction..

it was now and then they kept checking if there was contraction and it was painful..i dont know how many times i got irritated..

around 5am..midwife came to my room..i asked her about epidural ..i was asked to get it cuz i cant even take it with vaginal checks..imagine...giving birth..she did the "sweep" process and i started to bleed...sweep is when they twist a cell in ur vagina for u to have pain...

the process continued..they kept checking my contraction and yet nothing happen...

my parents came back at 6am and hubby went back to take his bath...

i was really stressed..i really thought that i could give birth that time..and my pain increased..mom was worried to see me as well..
and my poor sister..was waiting outside....cuz only one person allowed to go in..

during the epidural process..they had group of ppl explaining to me...i was like ok ok..do it..cuz i couldnt  bear the pain.

it was 3 something and the doctor came checking my opening again..i was told i had to wait till 4 pm..if no progress then ceasor..but he did break my water manually..so imagine the pain i went through!

my family members came in room talking one by one..hubby was there...too..

my cousins came from far away by bus to visit me..despite being in pain...i spoke and joked with them..

the family members continued having their chats outside my room while i  was seeing the doctor..so the time was up...it was then decided that i had to go for ceasor...Honestly i couldnt be bothered...the pain was too long and i was ok with ceasor or anything!

hubby had to follow me even though he was nervous...

i joked before going in,family members was nervous..dad's pressure went up..cousins looks anxious...i waved at them before going to the operation teather..

it was very cold!iw as shivering..then a guy with mask and an uniform like a dr hold my hand...it was my husband..with his mask i couldnt even recognise him..i complained that i was cold..they inserted something like a torchlight near my neck which was like a vacuum to heat me..but the horrible thing was it was heating near my chin..i kept asking them to change it..

then the operation was started... my hubby saw what was happening..within few seconds i felt like puking..hubby told the dr...so they had this pan under my chin for me to vomit..it was eww..but i couldnt hold it and they wiped for me..while the op was going on..

it was 10 mins..and iheard the baby was crying...!God what an emotion...my husband and i exchanged looks..i nearly cried!then the showed me my baby and i kissed him...the next thing i remember i was in the room...woke up after 3 hours...

i was told that my hubby had to follow the doctor with the baby.My family members and cousins actually ran towards the baby to snap few clicks..and the amazing thing was he had this cutest smile as if he knew them earlier..pity sheila..she was stuck taking care of my husband's lap top...but they said the moment was amazing..

my cousins told me it was pitiful to see me..how i struggled....and i snored when i was sleeping..GOSH!that was embarassing...but trust me it was all worth it..

a friend told me..that we will miss the moment of our baby being in my stomach..yup i guess...but whenever i see my sons face...it brings out all the joy i need in my life :)

useful tips on c-section

One thing that amaze me was..last year December I met my friend Kavitha and her mom.Her mom was telling me about Shirdi Baba and his miracles...she also asked me to pray to him...and I did...and i conceived in January...bought a statue of Baba and prayed...He always gave a very peaceful feelings to all of us who prayed...and my little charming prince was born on Shirdi Baba's birthday...amazing?I truly believe its a miracle!